Friday, February 25, 2011

Sub Plans

Today I was at a meeting outside of the building, so there was a sub.  Here is the work that was done:

In biology, read Section 8.2 (pp. 207-211) in the textbook and answer the following questions (on NB pp. 58-59) in Cornell Notes format (There is a handout that you may find in the week 26 folder.)

1) What factors limit cell size?
2) Give one example of how each of the 3 factors limits cell size.
3) What is the result of cell division?
4) What is a chromosome and what does it carry?
5) Describe what chromatin is and what it looks like.  Also, during what part of the cell's life cycle is chromatin visible?
6) What is the cell cycle and describe what occurs during each part of the cell cycle.
7) Read pp. 212-215 and describe the phases of Interphase and Mitosis.

No homework over the weekend (presuming you have your homework that was due today will be checked on Monday.)

In AP biology, students worked on a variety of Punnett Square-related handouts.  Get them from the Week 26 folder.

No homework over the weekend (presuming you have your homework that was due today will be checked on Monday.)

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