Monday, December 27, 2010

What to do over break?

Wow, I guess I didn't update my blog the week before winter break.  Oops!  Hopefully someone is checking in to see what they should do over break.  I'll update the blog for the specific days before break, but here's the quick version of what you should be doing over break:

Regular bio:
1) Begin studying for your comprehensive final exam (which is 20% of your grade.)
2) Finish your Frayer Model Vocabulary worlds on notebook pp. 104-105.  The words are:

  • plasma membrane
  • concentration
  • equilibrium
  • diffusion
  • osmosis
  • hypertonic
  • hypotonic
  • isotonic
3) For those of you in 5th, 6th, and 8th periods, you need to finish your potato lab that we did on Friday 12/17. (2nd and 4th periods did not meet that day, so have not done the lab.)

4) (If needed) Revise your Research Paper and/or Science Fair board to improve your grade.  (Due Monday, 1/3/11 for 2nd and 4th periods.)  (Due Thursday 1/6/11 for 5th, 6th, and 8th periods.)

Advanced Placement (AP) Bio:
1) Begin studying for your comprehensive final exam (which is 20% of your grade.)
2) Work on your Organismal Diversity Project quizzes and student activities.  (Deadlines are individualized, see the ODP Packet.)

Enjoy your holiday!  See you in 2011!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lab before break!

On the Friday half day before break, I only saw the afternoon biology classes (5th, 6th, and 8th) and we did a potato lab about diffusion and osmosis.

If you were absent, you cannot make up the lab unless you had a valid excused absence for the following reasons: 1) a death in the family, 2) a hospitalization, 3) a serious illness.

Therefore the handouts from the lab will not be in the document crate and you must see me with your documented note from your parent about your excused absence in order to make up the lab.

For homework, you should do the following:
1) Begin studying for your comprehensive final exam (which is 20% of your grade.)
2) Finish your Frayer Models on NB pp. 104-105
3) Revise your research papers if needed (due 1/3/11 for 2nd and 4th periods, due 1/6/10 for 5th-8th periods.)
4) Finish your labs on NB pp. 106-109.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Diffusion & Osmosis Vocabulary & Quiz

Today in biology, we completed Frayer Vocabulary graphic organizers on notebook pp. 104-105 for the following words:

  1. diffusion
  2. osmosis
  3. hypertonic
  4. hypotonic
  5. isotonic
  6. equilibrium
  7. plasma membrane
  8. concentration
For homework, you should do the following:
1) Begin studying for your comprehensive final exam (which is 20% of your grade.)
2) Finish your Frayer Models on NB pp. 104-105
3) Revise your research papers if needed (due 1/3/11 for 2nd and 4th periods, due 1/6/10 for 5th-8th periods.)

In AP biology, Alexis gave her presentations about the Phylum Platyhelminthes.  See her for the notes and for the handouts.

For homework, begin studying for your comprehensive final exam.  Finish the student activities for Cnidaria and Platyhelmenthes.  Continue working on your ODP projects.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Diffusion & Osmosis Hands on Activity/Cnidaria presentation

Today in biology we did a hands on activity about diffusion and osmosis.  We recorded the information on notebook p. 102.  If you were absent, see Ms. Adams to make it up.

For homework, do a summary of the activity.

In AP biology, Brandon gave his presentation about Cnidaria.  See him to get the notes and handouts if you were absent.

For homework, work on the Cnidaria student activity.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Diffusion and Osmosis Notes, The Cell Cycle Notes

Today in biology, students took notes on diffusion and osmosis on notebook p. 101.

For homework, complete a summary of the notes.

Today in AP biology, students completed notes about the Cell Cycle on notebook pp. 116-121.

For homework, review your notes!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sub work

You were absent...and so was I!  Please get the sub work from the Week 18 box.  Make sure to get the AP work (Cell Cycle Vocab) or the regular bio work (Diffusion and Osmosis Cloze Reading) and then turn it in to me tomorrow.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Academic Vocabulary, Intro to the Cell Cycle

Today in biology, students answered the do now question, "Why is the plasma membrane important to the cell?" on NB p. 92.  Then students received two handouts that you should get from the week 17 folder (Prefixes #1 and Prefixes #2) and put on NB pp. 93-94. 

Next, students looked at the Cambridge Vol. 1 books (p. 638) and identified words that they know, "kinda" know and don't know.  Then they used the Frayer Model for Vocabulary to learn five new words on NB p. 95-97.  Finally, they had an exit ticket before they left. 

I also announced the winners of the classroom science fair.  They are as follows:

2nd period: Joceylyn Mitchell, Jalen Robinson, and Vernon Thomas
4th period: Jamal Brown, Nikkia Pearce, and Amber Young
5th period: Kizuwanda Byrd, Rachel Dunbar, Jaliya Jones, and Shania Wright
6th period: Latra' Chipley, D'sha Jernegons, and Brittonia McKenzie and Anitra Jones
8th period: Armani Costilla, Khristian Fipps, and Mykel Young

They will all participate in the school science fair on Wednesday, Dec. 15 from 4:30-6:30 PM.

No homework over the weekend!

In AP biology, students previewed Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle.  Then they used the headings to write questions in the left hand column of their Cornell Notes and then read to answer and take notes about the Cell Cycle form textbook pp. 218-226.  The notes go on NB pp. 117-119. 

For homework, finish and study your notes!  Work on your ODP project as necessary.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Practice ACT

Today all junior students took a practice ACT.  I only saw my 6th period class for about 15 minutes, during which we peer judged our science fair boards.  Then I saw 8th period for a regular class period, during which students responded to one of the following three writing prompts:

1) What does it mean to live "a disciplined life?"  Is it relevant in today's society?
2) Imagine your life when you are 30 years old.  Where will you live?  How will you provide for yourself?  Will you have a family?  Now think about what it will take to achieve that life.  Write about the steps that you will need to take in order to achieve those goals.
3) What does it mean to have pride in your work?  Describe a time that you had pride in your work.  What did you do?  How did it feel?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Juniors' Classroom Science Fair! AP Quiz Review

Today was the classroom science fair for all of the junior students.  Overall, it was a success!  If you were absent to present your project, we are having a brief mini-fair on Wednesday after school from 3:15-3:45 in room 103.  Students peer-judged each other using the peer scoring sheet and turned that in for a grade.

No homework!

For AP biology, I checked the homework (yellow diffusion and osmosis sheet) and then we went over the correct answers.  Then we did the Quiz Review Sheet in pairs.  (If you were absent, then get the handout from the Document Crate (Week 17 folder.)

For homework, finish the Quiz Review and study for the Osmosis, Diffusion, and Membranes quiz, which will be on Thursday.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Science Fair Prep, ODP Project calendar, etc.

Today in biology, students turned in their science fair posters and research papers.  They also had time to plan their oral presentations.  We also went over the guidelines for the peer judges for tomorrow's science fair.  Finally, I gave everyone a copy of their ID numbers.  Get yours from the envelope in your period's drawer.

Homework: Practice your presentation.

Today in AP biology, students turned in their first drafts of their ODP PowerPoint presentations.  I also provided students with an updated calendar with all ODP-related deadlines.  Please get yours from the Document Crate.  We also finished going over the notes on water potential.  I gave out a worksheet for practice.

For homework, do all of the problems but II, III, and IV.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Calendar for AP ODP Presentations

I've finally finished the calendar for the Organismal Diversity Project (ODP) Presentations for AP bio!  Here's the calendar:

Group #
Phylum Name
Common Descriptor
Presentation Date
(Wed. or Thurs 8 AM.)
1 (Ms. Adams)

2 (Brandon)
Hydras, Jellies, Corals, Sea Anenomes
3 (Alexis)
4 (Kristi/Kevin)
5 (Raven/Cornell)
6 (Gregory)
Segmented Worms
7 (Todd)
  • Chelicerates & Arachnids
  • Millipedes & Centipedes
  • Crustaceans

8 (Brielle)
  • Insects
9 (Teyonna/Shatara)
10 (Savannah)
  • Tunicates
  • Lancelets
Invertebrate Chordates
11 (Tre'/Monet')
  • Hagfish
  • Lampreys
Jawless fish/craniates
12 (Chris)
Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata
  • Chondrichthyans
  • Ray-finned fish
  • Lobe-finned fish
Jawed Fish
13 (Benn)
Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata
  • Amphibia

14 (Henrietta/ Dwight)
Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata
  • Reptilia
Reptiles, not including birds
15 (Devan)
Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata
  • Reptilia

16 (James)
Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata
  • Mammalia

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday sub plans

On Friday I was out for a planned family memorial service, so here are the sub plans for both AP and regular bio:

1) Students should silently read, highlight, and annotate the Cambridge Volume 2 Game Plan on pp. 224-225. 

2) When students are finished, they should work on the 3 Passages on pp. 226-230 by reading the passages and answering the questions.  They should mark the text as I showed them how to do.

3) Go over the correct answers with them after they've worked through all of the questions.

4) All students should also work on their science fair papers and/or posters (or Organismal Diversity Projects for AP bio) when they're finished.

For regular bio homework: Finish your science fair research paper and poster (both must be typed!) by Monday at the beginning of the period!

For AP bio homework, your Organismal Diversity Project PowerPoint draft is due on Monday at 8 AM.  If you choose to email it to me, then you must do so by Sunday at 3 PM.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Science Fair Poster Feedback, Water Potential

In regular bio, I gave students feedback on their science fair posters while they worked on reading and marking Cambridge Book Volume 1 pp. 646-650 and pp. 652-657.  The vocabulary foci were: optimum, interpolation, and extrapolation.  The strategy foci were manipulating variables, approximation, simplification, and "meastimation."

For homework: Finish your science fair research paper and poster (both must be typed!) by Monday at the beginning of the period!

In AP bio, students used the "Passive Transport" handout and coloring "plate" to color and read about diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.  Then we took notes on water potential.

For homework, your Organismal Diversity Project PowerPoint draft is due on Monday at 8 AM.  If you choose to email it to me, then you must do so by Sunday at 3 PM.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Writing abstracts, Hypertonic, Hypotonic, Isotonic Solutions

Today in biology, students completed ten questions in their Cambridge Volume 1 books (p. 665-666) for their do now.  Then I introduced more information about an abstract.  The abstract should be a one paragraph summary of your research, including the purpose, summary of your procedure, and your conclusion.  Then students worked writing their abstracts and/or their science fair posters.

Homework: A rough draft of your science fair poster is due tomorrow.  Bring your Cambridge Volume 1 book tomorrow and Volume 2 on Friday.

Today in AP biology, we did a hands-on activity to review osmosis and to learn about hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions.

For homework, review your notes.  And the ODP Power Point first draft is due Monday at 8 AM.  (Or by email Sunday at 3 PM.)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Peer Reviewing, Passive Transport Notes

Today in biology, students peer reviewed their research papers using the Peer Review Checklist.  (Get it from the Week 15 folder in the document crate.)  I also introduced the criteria for what should be on your science fair poster (see the Science Fair Packet.)

For homework: Bring your materials to make your science fair poster.  Bring your Cambridge Volume 1 book.

Today in AP biology, students took notes about passive transport.  Get the notes from a classmate if you were absent.

For homework, complete your summaries and write your review questions.  Also work on your ODP.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Citing Sources, Graphing Data

Today in regular bio, we took notes on notebook p. 89 about citing sources for your science fair paper.  Get the notes from a classmate if you were absent.  We also went over the upcoming science fair deadlines.  I also checked your Carrot Lab Graphs and analysis questions (NB p. 85.)

Tuesday, November 30: Second Draft of Research Paper Due.
Thursday, December 2: Draft of Poster Due. (Changed deadline)
Monday, December 6: Final Draft of Research Paper and Final Poster Due
Tuesday, December 7: Classroom Science Fair
Wednesday, December 8: Next Interim Assessment (Practice ACT)

For homework: Finish your second draft of your paper, due tomorrow.  Bring your Cambridge Vol. 1 all this week.

Today in AP bio, I checked and we discussed the graphs from your AP Lab #1.

For homework, finish the four analysis questions for AP Lab #1 due tomorrow.  Also, the first draft of your powerpoint presentation for your Organismal Diversity Project is due on Monday Dec. 6.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Citing Sources for Science Fair Papers

It occurred to me tonight that we all might need a little refresher in citing sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism in our Reviews of Literature.  I found this nice tutorial on the APA's website.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Half Day-AP Lab, Regular Check in's for Science Fair

In AP bio today, we did AP Lab #1 Part B.  If you were absent, you may not make it up, as I stated on Monday.

For homework, finish the graph for the class data, due Monday.

In regular bio, we played review bingo and I conferenced with students about their science fair projects.

For homework, finish the Carrot Lab (NB pp. 81-85) due Monday.  Rough Draft #2 of your science fair research paper is due Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Practice ACT for Pacing!

Today everyone took a practice ACT for pacing purposes.  If you were absent, then you will receive a ZERO for this grade, as you were told earlier this week.

In regular biology, students also worked on their graphs for the Carrot Lab after the practice test.

In AP biology, students also received the lab handout for tomorrow's lab.

AP homework: Read and annotate the lab.

Regular bio homework: Finish the graph, due Monday.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pacing Guide for ACT, Finish Lab, Fluid Mosaic Model

Today in biology, students took notes on a Pacing Strategy for the Science ACT test (NB pp. 87-88.)  Then they finished collecting data for the Carrot Lab (120 hour data.)  Pick up graph paper and get your data from your group if you were absent.  I also collected students' first draft of their science fair research paper.

Homework: Review notebook p. 79 and your ACT Interpretation of Data sample questions for tomorrow's practice ACT, Carrot Labs will be due the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Today in AP biology, students took notes on a Pacing Strategy for the Science ACT test.  I passed back the Cell Organelle quizzes.  Then they took notes on the Cell Membrane.

Homework: Read Chapter 7.  Color the cell membrane diagram in your packet.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Library/Computer Lab Work

Today all of my classes (AP bio and regular bio) were in the library or the computer lab working on their projects (either the science fair research paper for regular bio or the Organismal Diversity Project for AP bio.)

Homework for regular bio:  The first draft of your science fair research paper is due on Monday!

Homework for AP bio: The first draft of your powerpoint presentation for your ODP is due on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 2 of the Carrot Lab, ACT Packet Corrections

Note: All classes will meet in the library on Friday to work on their research!

Today in biology, students took their mass and volume measurements for the second day of the carrot lab.  Also, students calculated the densities for each of their carrots and recorded the information in their data tables.  If you were absent, see Ms. Adams to make arrangements to make up the lab.

In addition, we went over the details of the Science Fair research paper, using the Science Fair Packet, which students already possess.  Finally, I returned the Exit Tickets that go on notebook p. 74 and which measure proficiency on the identifying data in simple and complex data presentations objective.  Please get yours from the returned work drawer in the classroom.

For homework, continue to work on your science fair project.  The first draft of the research paper is due on Monday, Nov. 22.

In AP biology, we went over the answers to the ACT Science Packet on pp. 10-22.  Also, we briefly discussed the structure of the cell membrane.

For homework, read the Cell Membrane packet again, while referring to the diagram.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Carrot Lab, Cell Quiz

Today in biology, students started the Carrot Lab.  Students worked in groups of 4 to set up the Carrot Lab.  If you were absent, see Ms. Adams to make arrangements to make up the lab. 

For homework, work on your science fair research paper.

Today in AP biology, students took the Cells Quiz.  Then I checked the ACT Science Packet through p. 22.  Then I checked the ODP project packet.

For homework, read the Cell Membrane packet.  (Get it from the Week 14 folder in the document crate.)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prep for Carrot Lab, AP Vocab Bingo

Today in biology, students prepared for the Carrot Lab on notebook pp. 81-84.  See Ms. Adams or a classmate for the notes.

For homework:  Science fair data is due tomorrow!!!

In AP biology, we played vocabulary bingo to review for tomorrow's quiz over cell organelle functions and structures, prokaryotes and eukaryotes and a little bit of body structure vocabulary.

For homework: Study for your quiz!  Also have your ACT Science Workbook packet done through page 22 by tomorrow!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Marking the Text in Science, ODP Packet Supplement

Today in biology, students took notes on "Marking the text in Science" on notebook p. 79.  Get the notes from a classmate or Ms. Adams.  (Note 2nd period did the notes on NB p. 71, 73, and 75 using the textbook pages SH 10-SH 12.)  Also, I checked the notebook pp. 71, 73, and 75 if I didn't check yours on Friday.

For homework, work on your science fair project!  Data is due on Wednesday, research paper first draft is due on Monday!

In AP biology, we went over the basics of the ODP supplemental packet.  Get the packet from the Week 14 document crate folder.

For homework, finish your ACT Science Workbook packet through p. 22 by Wednesday.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cornell Notes on Cambridge p. 643

Today in biology, we took Cornell notes on NB pp. 76 and 77 on Cambridge Vol. 1 pp. 643-644.  Get the notes from Ms. Adams or from a classmate.  We also finished the notes on NB pp. 71, 73, and 75 using textbook pp. SH 10-12 (see Wednesday's blog post.)  Check out a book if you need to finish this.  Ms. Adams checked the summaries and the notes for completion. 

Note: in second period, our schedule is slightly different due to the college fair, so we did not do pp. 71, 73, and 75, nor did we do the homework, as described below.

For homework, do Cambridge Vol. 1 p. 660 #10-14 and finish your Summary on NB p. 76 or 77.  Also, keep working on your science fair project because data is due on Wednesday, Nov. 17.

In AP bio, we also worked in our ACT Science Workbooks and the Cambridge Vol. 1 books (p. 643-644.)  I also gave a supplemental packet for the Organismal Diversity Project.  Get it from the Week 13 folder.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Data Tables & Graphs!

Today in biology, students took Cornell Notes on NB pp. 71, 73, and 75.  They answered the following questions using the Skills Handbook in the back of the biology textbook (SH 10-SH 12.)
  1. How do you make and use data tables?
  2. How do you make and use graphs?
  3. What are line graphs used for?
  4. How do you set up a line graph?
  5. What are bar graphs used for?
  6. How are bar graphs made?
  7. When should you use a circle graph?
  8. HOw do you make a circle graph?
For homework, bring your Cambridge Vol. 1 book to class on Friday and keep working on your science fair project!

In AP biology, students received an ACT science packet and worked on it.

For homework, continue working on the Organismal Diversity Project.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Marking Science ACT Texts & the Gallery Walk!

Today in biology, we started learning how to identify information in simple and complex data sets.  We're starting to do this by learning how to effectively mark ACT science texts.  There are two handouts for you to pick up in the document crate in week 13 ("Do Now 11/9" and "Mark Science Texts.")  Check the Table of Contents or a classmate to find out where you need to glue them in your interactive notebook.

Then we did our "Gallery Walk" of the Magazine Ad Experimental Design Posters.  Each group provided a peer grade on the rubric for another group's poster.  Check with your group to make sure everything is a-ok for this.

For homework, see yesterday's blog post.  The homework is the same for today!

In AP biology, we actually did the same thing as the other biology classes, except instead of doing a "Gallery Walk," we did an exit ticket, so get the exit ticket from Ms. Adams and turn it in!  If you were absent you should also get your notebook from Ms. Adams.

For homework, continue working on your Organismal Diversity Project.  I will check pp. 7-8 of your packet and answer questions about it tomorrow.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Finishing Magazine Ad Posters, Organismal Diversity Projects Info

Today in biology, students finished their Magazine Ad Posters.

For homework, work on your science fair project.  The following hard deadlines are coming up:  1) Nov. 17: bring your data in to show your progress on your project.  2) Nov. 22: a first draft of your research project is due.

Today in AP biology, I gave a pink packet that describes the Organismal Diversity Project in depth.  Get it from the Week 13 folder in the Document Crate.  I also collected notebooks to check the "Design Your Own" Lab.  Make sure I get yours!

For homework, use your textbook to answer at least half of the questions on the Organismal Diversity Project packet pp. 7-8.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Updates for Wed., Thursday, and Friday!

Oops, I didn't update the blog this week because we had a bit of an unusual week, so I didn't get to see everyone as I normally would.  On Wednesday, students took a practice ACT test.  Then on Thursday, we went to see "Waiting for Superman," so I didn't get to teach biology on either of those days.

On Friday, we also had an unusual day, but for different reasons.  We were scheduled to visit the library to complete science fair research paper research.  However, due to the fact that the school's power went out during 2nd through 4th periods, we were unable to do that.  Therefore, I went to Plan B.

Plan B was that students worked on their posters for their Magazine Ad experimental designs that we started on Monday.  (See notebook pp. 66-68.)

For homework, take a look at your science fair packet for upcoming science fair deadlines, and make sure that you're working diligently to meet them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ACT Science Packet (Part 2,) AP labs!

Today in biology, we worked on Part 2 of the ACT Science Packet in preparation for tomorrow's practice ACT test.  Please do Part 2 and then see Ms. Adams for the correct answers.  If I didn't get your notebook p. 61 on Monday, then I checked it today.

For homework, continue working on science fair!!!

In AP biology, students completed the experiments that they had planned.

For homework, analyze your data and plan your next steps.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Planning experiments-real and pretend!

Today in biology, students worked in their groups to plan their "magazine ad experiments."  I also gave feedback to all classes but 6th and 8th about their science fair projects on their index cards.  Get yours from the your class' returned work drawer.

Homework: Work on your science fair project!  It's a little more than a month away!  Also, bring your Science ACT packet tomorrow!

In AP biology, students worked to plan their starch, iodine, and dialysis tubing experiments.

For homework, finish writing the procedures.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Look at Thursday's entry!

Today I saw the 5th, 6th, and 8th period classes, but the content was the same as Thursday, so look at Thursday's blog post for the work that you missed!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Advertisement experiments, Preview to Lab 1

Today in biology, we finished correcting our ACT Science packets.  Then we began our Magazine Advertisement experiment projects.  See Ms. Adams for information.

Homework:  Have your parents sign your grade report (on notebook p. 61) due Monday.

In AP bio, we completed the preview to AP Lab 1.  Please see Ms. Adams to make it up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Correcting exams, Organelle structure & function

Today in regular biology, I returned several papers to students.  Get them from your class period's drawer in the "returned work" drawer.  We corrected the Quarter 1 Exam and also the ACT Science packet from Monday.  I also gave out grade reports for first quarter. Have your parents sign them, glue them on NB p. 61 and turn them in by Monday!

Today in AP bio, we took notes on the links between organelle structure & function.

For homework, finish the Cell as a City work from yesterday.

Monday, October 25, 2010

ACT Science Packet, Cell as the City

I was out today, so students worked with the sub to do the following work.  Juniors in regular biology worked on the ACT Science Packet.  Get it from the Week 11 folder in the document crate.  Students worked through page 14.

In AP biology, students worked on the "Cell as a City" Complete it as homework.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

End of First Quarter

Today was the last day of the first quarter!  In biology, students wrote their research questions, hypotheses, and independent and dependent variables on a large index card and turned it in.  If you were absent, get the index card from the Week 10 folder in the Document Crate and see Ms. Adams for information on how to format the card.

Students also worked on wrapping up any loose ends with regard to their notebooks today.

For homework, work on your science fair projects over the three day weekend (do some library research, gather materials, etc.)

In AP biology, students graded their peers' practice essay #4.  Then they turned them in.  Then we had another short practice essay about setting up experiments.  (See Ms. Adams for the prompt.)

For homework, review eukaryotic organelle structure & function.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quarter 1 Exam, Setting up Experiments

Today in biology, students took their quarter 1 exam.  I also checked the microscope intro lab on NB pp. 53-55.  Finally, I checked the last of the interactive notebooks that I hadn't already checked.
There is no homework for tonight!

In AP biology, we took notes about setting up experiments.  Then we discussed how to fix AP Practice Essay #3.

For homework, rewrite Essay #3, part b.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Left Side Study Guide, Odds & Ends

Today in biology we created our "Left Side" Multiple Intelligences Study Guide on NB pp. 40, 42, and 44.  (See Ms. Adams or a classmate for information on how to do this.)  Then we checked our Simpsons experiments work on NB pp. 56-59.  (See Ms. Adams to check yours.)

For homework, study for tomorrow's exam and bring a #2 pencil!

Today in AP biology, we went over the Potato Core graphs (keep them for when we do Lab #1.) and then we went over AP Essay #3 Part A.

For homework rewrite AP Essay #3 Part A.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Simpsons Experiments, Graphing Notes

Today in biology, students completed the Simpsons Experiments in order to study for Wednesday's Quarter 1 Exam.  Pick up the four handouts from the Week 10 folder in the Document Crate.  Also, we went over the four analysis questions from notebook p. 55 (Microscope Intro Lab.)  The Lab is due tomorrow.  I also handed back a lot of work, depending on which class you are in, so check the returned work drawer for your class period.

Homework: Finish the Microscope Intro Lab.  Finish the Simpsons Experiments.

Today in AP biology, we took notes on the basics of graphing (get them from a classmate.)  I also handed back a lot of work, so get that from the returned work drawer.

Homework: Redo your graph from Lab #2.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Microscope Labs x 2

Today was a fun day because I facilitated microscope labs in both AP bio and regular bio.

In regular bio, we did the "Microscope Intro Lab" in which we looked at the letter "e" cut from a newspaper and two hairs crossed in order to get used to using the microscopes.  If you were absent, see Ms. Adams on Wednesday after school to make up the lab.  If you can't make that time, then talk to Ms. Adams as soon as possible.  (Pick up the 3rd page to the lab in the Document Crate in the week 9 folder.)

For homework, study NB pp. 41, 43, 45 for Wednesday's exam.  Also, the Lab's analysis questions are due on Tuesday.

In AP biology, we did the "Look at Your Cells" lab in which we looked at our own cheek cells, Elodea cells, and onion skin cells.  See Ms. Adams to make up the lab on Wednesday after school if you were absent.

For homework, finish the Amazing Cells Webquest and the Cellular Organelles Chart (on NB pp. 78-79, both due Monday.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Microscope Pre-Lab x 2

Today in biology, students checked their study guides (NB pp. 41, 43, 45.) Have Ms. Adams check yours and get the correct answers from her.  Then students began to go over the "Microscope Intro Lab" (get your 2 pages from the Document Crate in the Week 9 folder.)  Glue the lab on pp. 53-54.

For homework, do the prelab for the Microscope Intro Lab.

Today in AP biology, we did the Pre-Lab for the "Look at Your Cells" Lab.  (Get the Handout from the Week 9 folder from the Document Crate.)

For homework, finish the assignments that were listed in the blog entry for Wed. 10/13/10.

Science Fair Websites

Ms. Gates just forwarded me this attachment with a whole bunch of science fair links.  Check 'em out!  Also, she said that she has a bunch of science fair books in the library.

Please note that just because you found it on a website, does not necessarily mean that it is an 11th grade science fair project.  But, here are some ideas you might want to modify.  Also, I have not looked at any of these sites.  I am trusting that Ms. Gates reviewed them to an extent, but I do not endorse any of the sites below, they are nearly a starting point.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Textbook Scavenger Hunt

Today in biology, students received a bunch of papers back, so check the returned work box for your period to get your work.  Also, they competed against one another to finish the "Textbook Scavenger Hunt" on notebook pp. 50-51.

For homework, finish your quarter 1 exam study guide, due tomorrow!

In AP biology, turn in your Essay #4 and your prokaryote/eukaryote graphing organizer.  Then set up your notebook for your eukaryotic organelle reading notes (see Ms. Adams on how to set it up.)  Then read text pp. 100-111 to fill in your graphic organizer using the organelles listed on the poster in the classroom.

For homework, do the Amazing Cells Webquest, due Monday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 9!

Today is the beginning of Week 9.  The end of the quarter is coming soon!

In biology, I checked the science fair research questions (NB p. 30) and students gave one another peer-to-peer feedback.  (See a peer or Ms. Adams for guiding questions that you should have on NB p. 30.)  Also, I gave students the study guide for the quarter 1 exam.  Get it from the document crate in the Week 9 folder.  Finally, we made "Clock Partners."  If you were absent, we tried to match you up, so get your clock from the returned work drawer with your period # on it.  Also get your returned work too!

I also checked some interactive notebooks, so if yours has not yet been checked, please see me after school to check it!

For homework, work on your study guide.  It is due on Thursday!

In AP bio, we took the "Intro to Cells" Notes on NB p. 75-76.  Also, I gave out four handouts.  Get them from the Week 9 folder in the document crate.  They are titled "Prokaryote," "Eukaryote 1," "Eukaryote 2," and "Compare/Contrast Prokaryote and Eukaryote."

For homework in AP biology, read text pp, 94-101 and finish the compare/contrast prokaryote/eukaryote graphic organizer.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Science Fair Deadlines

Here are all of the deadlines for the science fair this year.  Notice that there is one new deadline (second draft on Nov. 30) and one updated deadline.  The "hypothesis established" deadline will be Oct. 21 instead of Oct. 20, due to the fact that we will have our quarter 1 exam on Oct. 20.

  • Oct. 6: Identify your topic
  • Oct. 12: Idea approved (Your research question must be testable and have an independent and dependent variable.)
  • Oct. 15: Establish a purpose
  • Oct. 18: Begin using the library/computer lab to research your topic (note: this is a soft deadline, you will need to do more library research in order to finish your research paper!)
  • Oct. 21: Hypothesis is established.
  • Oct. 25: Conduct/plan/perform your experiment and collect your data and results (note: this is a soft deadline)
  •  Nov. 17: Analyze results and establish a conclusion.
  • Nov. 22: First draft of research paper and abstract due
  • Nov. 30: Second draft of research paper and abstract due
  • Dec. 1: First draft of your display board (or evidence of it (such as a photograph or parts of it)) due.  Begin practicing your presentation.
  • Dec. 6-7: Final board and paper due.  Classroom science fair.
  • Dec. 15: CICS-Longwood Science Fair. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

In class essay, at home essay

Today in biology, students took notes on Levels of Organization on notebook p. 39 (get from a classmate or Ms. Adams.)  Then Ms. Adams checked the concept map on NB p. 36 and students used the concept map to write an expository essay in class. 

Here are the criteria for the expository essay:
  • Explain the relationships between the 12 levels of organization
  • Use complete sentences
  • Use paragraphs (at least 3)
For homework for biology, on NB p. 30, identify your research question for approval (make sure it is experimental and can have an independent and dependent variable.)  Also write your summary and at least 2-3 review questions about your notes on NB p. 39.

For AP biology, we finished AP Lab #2 and turned it in with the Analysis Questions.  (Skip analysis question #1.)  Also skip Parts 2A and 2C.

For homework, do AP Pracice Essay #3 (get it from the document crate in the Week 8 folder)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Levels of Organization, Titrations

Today in biology, we completed a sorting activity about Levels of Organization of Living Things.  (get 3 handouts from the Week 8 folder in the document crate.)  See a classmate or Ms. Adams for directions on how to make a pocket in your notebook on notebook p. 37.

For homework, create a concept map on notebook p. 36 for the Levels of Organization of Living Things.  Here are your criteria:
  • Use all 12 levels of organization
  • Put them in order from largest to smallest
  • Use 3 or more colors
  • Explain the relationships between the words
Today in AP biology, we finished Lab 2.

For homework, complete the graphs for your data and also answer as many analysis questions as you are able to.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mythbusters, revisited, AP Lab 2

Today in biology, students finished watching Mythbusters clips and identifying the hypotheses and data collected about each clip on notebook 29 and 31.  I also checked the science fair topics on notebook p. 30. (See me to have this checked and recorded.)  I also checked interactive notebooks.  See me after school to get yours checked.

You don't have additional homework that is due tomorrow, however, keep in mind that the next science fair deadline is on Tuesday Oct. 12, so you may wish to think about developing your research question.

Today in AP biology, we completed AP Lab 2B and 2D.  See Ms. Adams to make it up if you were absent.  For homework, read over the lab again and answer any analysis questions that you can.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Analyzing Science Terms, Science Fair, Setting Up Lab 2

Today in biology, students checked and/or finished "Analyzing Science Terms."  Get yours from your period's returned work box and/or the document crate from Week 7.  Then students worked on developing their science fair topics on notebook p. 30.

For homework, finish your science fair topic development on notebook p. 30.

In AP biology, we started setting up AP Lab #2, part 2D and we also set up part 2C.  See Ms. Adams to do the lab if you were absent.

For homework, review the lab.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mythbusters, Preparing for AP Lab 2

Today in biology, I provided students with the changed dates for the science fair packet.  (See a classmate or Ms. Adams' notebook for updates.)  Then I provided the correct answers for the ACT practice questions on NB pp. 26-27.  (Again, get them from me or from a classmate.) 

Students watched the "Best of 2009" clips of the show "Mythbusters" in order to determine the hypothesis that was being tested and the data that was being collected.  Record your info on NB p. 29 and 31.

For homework, your science fair topic is due on Wednesday.  Write it on Notebook p. 30.

Today in AP biology, I returned the Chemistry of Life Unit Exam and the Toothpickase Preview to AP Lab 2.  Then I handed out AP Lab #2 and we began reading over it.

For homework, finish reading AP Lab #2.

Friday, October 1, 2010

QAR Practice, Microscope Lab

Today in biology, students received their Science Fair Packets (if you were absent, then I wrote your name on yours and put it into your period's "Returned Work" drawer.  Get it there and then staple it to the last page of your interactive notebook.)

Then I checked students' homework (notebook p. 24, the comprehension questions from the "Plain Soap..." article.)

Finally, students used the QAR strategy to identify the question types for ACT practice questions (notebook pp. 26-27, get from the Document Crate, Week 7 folder) and then they answered the questions.

For biology homework: Read the Science Fair packet and highlight important information.

In AP biology, students completed the "Intro to Microscopy" Lab.

For AP biology homework, answer the analysis questions for the lab.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Question-Answer-Relationships & Microscopes!

Today in biology, students received their Multiple Intelligences Quizzes back.  They also received a handout called "Types of Intelligence and Study Habits" that you can get from the Document Crate in Week 7 and you should glue on NB p. 23.  Students also made labels with their college goals on them to put on the front cover of their notobooks.  (Get labels from the document crate too.)  Finally, students took notes on a reading strategy called "Question Answer Relationships."  The notes go on notebook p. 25.  Get them from a classmate or from Ms. Adams.  Practice identifying question types by using the article "Plain Soap As Effective As Antibacterial But Without the Risk" which you will also find in the Week 7 folder in the document crate.  7th period also finished and turned in their Handwashing Labs.

For biology homework, read the article and answer the three comprehension questions on notebook p. 24.

In AP biology, we did the AP Entrance Ticket that you can find in Week 7's document crate folder.  We then went over the reading notes on NB pp. 68-71.  Then we created some "left side" review drawings on the left hand pages.  Finally, we reviewed Microscope Structure and Function using Appendix C of the book and taking notes on NB p. 73.

For homework, read the Microscope Intro Lab (get it from Week 7 in the document crate.)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lab wrap-up, interactive notebook beginning, AP microscope notes

Today in biology, students took notes on setting up their interactive notebooks.  (Get the notes from a friend and/or get the presentation notes from Ms. Adams.)  Then students started numbering their notebook pages according to Ms. Adams' specifications.  (Again, see Ms. Adams or a classmate for information on how to do this.)

In all bio classes except 8th period, students also finished up the Handwashing Lab by looking at the multi-class data (get it from the Week 7 folder in the document crate) and then answering Analysis Questions #1-3.  Then students turned in their Handwashing Labs. 

For biology homework, finish numbering your notebook pages with the even numbers on the left and the odd numbers on the right.

In AP biology, students took guided reading Cornell notes on text section 6.1 on notebook pp. 69-71.

For AP biology homework, finish your notes and complete summaries on NB pp. 68 an 70 about your notes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Analyzing Science Terms

I was absent today because my daughter was ill (so I spent the day wiping her nose and trying to get her to go to sleep so she could get some rest.)  With the sub, students completed the "Analyzing Science Terms" packet.  Get it from the Week 7 folder in the document crate.  (Note: the AP bio class was split, so I'm not sure what they did.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

AP Test, Bio Lab

Today in AP Biology, students took the Chemistry of Life Unit Exam.  See Ms. Adams to schedule a time to make up the exam, ideally on Wednesday afternoon from 3:30-4:30.  For homework, read textbook pp. 94-97 (Section 6.0 and 6.1: Importance of Cells and Microscopes.)

Today in Biology, students completed the Handwashing Lab.  If you were absent, see Ms. Adams to make up the lab on Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 PM. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Data Tables, Lab Roles & AP Bio Study Groups

Today in Biology, students turned in their Multiple Intelligences Test (homework.)  Then they created individual data tables on p. 3 of their handwashing lab handout (get the data table from a classmate.)  Finally, students took Cornell notes on the Lab Roles (Entry #17.)  Get these notes from a classmate, then summarize them and write 3-4 questions about the notes.
For homework for biology, make sure that you have all supplies (spiral notebook, glue/tape, and 4 colored pencils/markers/highlighters) before Monday!

In AP biology, I collected the revised AP Essay #2.  Then students worked in study groups to study for their Chemistry of Biology Unit Exam, which will be on Monday.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

NWEA MAP Assessment

Today in both AP bio and regular bio, students completed the NWEA MAP online assessment.  If you were absent, see Ms. Adams or Mr. Auffant for the makeup testing schedule.

For homework, see yesterday's blog post.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Planning experiments

Today in biology, students received feedback on their handwashing lab experiments and then they make a class procedure in their lab handouts.

For homework, please complete the multiple intelligences test (get the handout from Week 6 in the document crate.)

Today in AP biology, students becan making their own study guide for the exam on notebook pp. 62-???  Also, we went over challenging questions on "Preview to AP Lab #2" before students turned their labs in.

For homework, STUDY!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Planning Experiments, Doing Experiments

Today in Biology, we began planning our first experiment about the effectiveness of different types of soap.  (Get the lab handout "Hand Washing Lab" from the Document Crate in Week 6.)  If you're in 2nd or 8th period, also get the Syllabus Addendum from the same place.

Students handed in their first homework assignment, the Science Autobiography at the beginning of the class period.  There is no new homework for tonight!

Today in AP biology, we finished the "Preview to AP Lab 2."  I also handed back the Biomolecules Quiz.

For homework, finish all of AP Lab 2 due Wednesday.  Finish any corrections to AP Essay #2 due Friday.  Finally, we will have our first exam (Chemistry of Biology) on Friday!

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day with 11th Grade Biology

Today was my first day in Room 104 with the 11th grade biology students.  Overall I got a warm reception, although it was also sad to be away from the seniors. 

In biology, students answered the do now question (entry #13:) Biology is/is not related to my future career because....

Then (in all periods but 2nd and 8th,) we went over the Syllabus Addendum (pick it up from the Document Crate in the Week 6 Folder.)  Finally, students wrote their Science Autobiographies by first brainstorming about the following questions: 1) Is my career connected to biology? Why/why not?  2) What positive experiences have I had with science?  3) What negative experiences have I had with science?  Then they wrote a one-page science autobiography using 2 of the 3 brainstorming questions. 

For biology homework, finish the one page science autobiography, due tomorrow!

In AP biology, students answered a do now question on NB p. 60 and then we did the Preview to Lab #2.

For homework, calculate the averages for the three trials.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bipolar day

Today was Homecoming, which was very exciting because everyone was showing their Panther Pride and representing their Class of 2011 and 2012 spirit.  However, it was melancholy because it was the day that I told the Class of 2011 that I will no longer be their teacher as of Monday because I will be switching teaching programs to teach the juniors.  Many students were very gracious and supportive, even though I could tell that they were also sad that I will no longer be their teacher.  However, I will just be down in Room 103, so I will still be close by.

We discussed some of the plans for the transition, including the fact that I will provide tutoring for one more day (this coming Wednesday) and that all of their grades will be maintained in the electronic gradebook.  Today I checked notebooks and returned quizzes.  Students had the choice of writing one of the following essays:  1) Compare and contrast drinking water purification and wastewater reclamation or 2) Write an ad for your next science teacher.  You have no homework.

For AP biology, we took notes on enzymes in preparation for AP Lab #2.  For homework, read over the procedures.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Venn Diagram, Protein Denaturation

Today in environmental science, students finished their Venn Diagrams on NB p. 58 and then compared them with a partner and then compared them to a giant class Venn Diagram in the classroom.  In 7th period, we also finished the notes on NB p. 57 about the "After the Flush Video" from Wednesday.

Homework: Do your summaries on NB pp. 51 & 57 due Friday.

Today in AP bio, students got the "Preview to AP Lab 2" handout.  They scanned the lab and circled any new words.  The word that we focused on was "denatured."  Then students read about protein denaturation on text pp. 84-85 while taking notes on NB pp. 56-57.

For homework, continue to do your questions and summaries to review your notes for Monday's quiz.  Also, read your lab handout.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

AP Bio Quiz, Env Science Water Reclamation

Today in AP biology, students took the Macromolecules Quiz.  See Ms. Adams to make it up.  For homework, do at least four summaries and review questions for your notes.  Also, we will be having a test on Monday over the Chemistry of Biology Unit!  Begin Studying!

In environmental science, students watched the video "After the Flush" and took Cornell Notes on NB p. 57.  Get the Diagrams about Water Reclamation and Water Purification from the Document Crate (in Week 5) and glue them to NB pp. 60-61.  Then they compared and contrasted Water Reclamation and Water Purifcation by making a Venn Diagram on NB p. 58 (all except 7th period.)  I collected 4th period's notebooks.

Here's the link for the video:

For homework, finish the homework that was posted on yesterday's blog post.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Env. Science Quiz, Water Purification Video, AP Essay Feedback

In environmental science, students took Vocab Quiz #2.  Please see Ms. Adams to make it up.  Then students also watched a short video entitled "Before the Faucet, After the Flush?"  Students took notes on NB p. 51.  For homework, read textbook pp. 189 "Sources" to 192 "Water Purification."  Take notes on NB p. 52-53 (due Thursday.)

In AP biology, students received feedback on Practice Essay #2.  Then they took notes on nucleic acids (NB p. 49.)  Students also received a the Chemistry of Life Study Packet (put on NB p. 54-55.)  For homework, study for tomorrow's quiz.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 5!

Today in AP biology, I gave the graphic organizers for macromolecules back and students made corrections, based on the feedback.  Then students had 15 minutes to write a response to a free response question.  (Get from the document crate.)  I also gave them a study guide about Chemicals of Life.

For AP bio homework, re-read textbook pp. 86-89 (nucleic acids,) study for Wednesday's quiz over macromolecules, and update your notebook's glossary by Wed.

In environmental science, we did slightly different things in 4th period (honors) and 7th period.  (See below.)  The basics are as follows.  First, students completed their do now on NB p. 50.  Get the question from a friend or from Ms. Adams.  Then, they took notes on the bottom of p. 50 about doing a Community Action Plan (all but 4th & 7th periods.)  Finally, students began entering their top two survey questions (from NB p. 45) into Ms. Adams' computer while everyone studied for tomorrow's vocab quiz.

In 7th period, students reveiwed the article about permeable pavement and disconnected downspouts.  Then they took notes about these two topics on NB p. 50.  In 4th period, students began to brainstorm about a possible brochure to use as an educational piece to communicate to the community about the water issues in Chicago.  They completed this work on NB pp. 48-49.

For homework for all environmental science classes, please study for tomorrow's vocab quiz over the 8 "new" groundwater words and also find out what your student ID is so you can get your grades when they are posted tomorrow.

Friday, September 10, 2010

ACT Boot Camp

Today in all of my classes (environmental science and AP Biology,) we had "ACT Boot Camp."  What this means is that each student was assigned a particular group, based on his or her self-identified need and then he/she took notes on NB pp. 46-48 using a packet of information about the science ACT.  Please see Ms. Adams for a packet that you may borrow and then return.

In environmental science, I also checked the homework (NB p. 45.)  Except for 7th period, environmental science does not have additional homework over the weekend.  7th period should read the articles "Disconnecting Downspouts and Permeable Pavement Alleys" found in the document crate.  Enjoy!

For AP biology, your homework over the weekend is to study about proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates using your multiple intelligences.  Update your glossary by Wednesday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Taking Action!

In environmental science today, we started the process of making our action plan to solve Chicago's water problems.  In all but 7th period, we read about alleys with permeable paving and downspout disconnection.

For homework, write five survey questions that could be used to collect information from community members about solutions to Chicago's water problems.  (For example, did you have water in your basement at the end of July?  Would you be willing to disconnect your downspout?)

Also, in all environmental science classes except fourth period, students took notes on summarizing (on NB p.6) and then they worked in pairs to revise their summaries (on NB p. 38.)

In AP biology, students used a sample protein structure essay to compare it to their essay (NB p. 38-39.)  I also checked their protein essays.  Then, I gave students the password to access the Campbell biology textbook online.  Finally, students took notes on carbohydrates and lipids.

For homework, complete the multiple intelligences quiz!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jigsaw Day 2, Lipids Notes

Today in AP biology, I checked students' protein bracelet models.  Then, I gave students' water properties quizzes back.  I gave notes about tips for writing AP bio essays and then Lipids Notes.  For homework, write an essay about protein structure.

In honors environmental science, I checked students' summaries on NB p. 38, then I gave notes on how to write a summary.  Then we went over the notes that they had taken on NB pp. 39-41.  Finally, they took a short five question quiz about Human Impacts on the Water Cycle.  For honors env. science HW, revise your summaries on NB pp. 38-40.

In regular environmental science, students taught each other about their sections for NB pp. 39-41.  Then they took a six question quiz about Human Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle.  For homework, finish your summaries on NB pp. 38-42.

Human Impacts Jigsaw, Protein "Bracelets"

In environmental science today, we completed the do now (on the bottom of NB p. 34:) Do you think humans have the responsibility to protect the environment?  Why or why not?

Then students took notes on NB pp. 38-39 about Human Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle using textbook pp. 186-189.  Each student had one section to read and take notes and then they will present to a small group of students (this is called a jigsaw.)

For homework, environmental science students should complete their summaries on NB p. 38 about their notes.

In AP biology, students practiced primary, secondary, tertiary, and quartenary protein structure by creating a "protein" out of beads.  Get the handout from the document crate and see Ms. Adams after school on Wednesday to create your protein.  Re-read the lipids reading and review your protein structure for homework.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Vocab Bingo, Protein Notes

In environmental science, we played vocabulary bingo to review the unit's vocabulary words.  We also completed the following "Brainstorm about Human Impacts" on NB p. 35: How do humans affect the groundwater system and the hydrologic cycle?  How do we use water?  How do we change the natural landscape?"

For homework, review your vocabulary and make sure your notebook is up to date.

In AP biology, students took notes about protein structure and function.  Also, turn in your Graphic Organizers for Organic Compounds.

For homework for AP biology, review your notes!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Carb Notes & Quiz #1 Returned

Today in environmental science, I returned Quiz #1 (Hydrologic Cycle Vocab.)  If you were absent, look for yours in the returned work drawer with your class period number on it in the back of the room.  Also, we did a couple of catch up things.  In second period, we took notes on the Hydrologic Cycle overview (NB p. 27, get it from a friend.) and in 4th-7th periods, we took notes on ACT Quick Tips for Success (NB p. 22) and went over some tips for frequently missed questions on the practice science ACT (see NB pp. 20-21...get the copies from the aforementionned returned work drawer.)

I also checked the new vocabulary words (groundwater, etc.) and we went over them, so make sure to have me check them if you were absent.

Finally, we make partner "appointment clocks" for partner work.  If you were absent, someone else made appointments for you, so yours should be in the returned work drawer.  Just glue it in the inside back cover of your notebook.

I collected 7th period's notebooks in order to check notebook p. 33 and the vocabulary since I didn't have time in class to do so.

For homework, study your vocab words.

In AP bio, students took notes on carbohydrates (NB p. 30-31 and continued on to 32.)  Get the notes from a classmate.

For homework, finish your Organic Compounds Graphic Organizer.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Focus on writing

Today in AP Biology, we took the water properties quiz (see me to make it up on Wednesday after school.)  Then students worked on the Biomolecules Graphic Organizers.

For homework, read pp. 68-91 and finish the Biomolecules Graphic Organizer, due Friday.

In Environmental Science, I clarified what my expectations were for the groundwater model explanations. (See the example below for the example.)  Then students revised their work on NB p. 33 and I checked it.  Finally, students worked on their 8 new glossary words in their notebooks.

For homework, finish your 8 new vocab words about groundwater due tomorrow.

Example for NB p. 33 (Groundwater Model Activity Explanation: "I chose to use the paving sand to represent the sand and gravel aquifer because the paving sand was a combination of both fine and rough sand, so I felt that it would represent the aquifer well because the aquifer is made of both sand and gravel."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lab Day!

In both AP bio and in environmental science, we did labs today (yay!) 

In AP, we did a webquest about biomolecules/organic compounds.  Pick up the "Organic Compounds Graphic Organizer" from Week 3 in the Document Crate.  If you did not finish, then finish it up for homework, due Friday.  Also, read the textbook pp. 68-91.  Finally, we are REALLY having the water properties quiz tomorrow, so study for it!

In environmental science, we did a Groundwater Model Activity (on Notebook p. 33.)  If you were absent, please sign up to stay after school on Wednesday to make it up.  For homework, continue to work on your new vocabulary words in your glossary.  (See yesterday's blog post or the word wall for the words.)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sooo hotttt!

The heat has returned, much to my chagrin.

Today in environmental science, students took notes on the Groundwater Reading (text pages 185-186).  The notes are on notebook pages 28-31.)  While they took notes, I checked their notebooks. 

For homework (due Thursday) add 8 new words to your interactive notebook's glossary: groundwater, infiltration, runoff, watershed, percolation, recharge, aquifer, watertable.

In AP Bio, students took notes on notebook pp. 26-27 about solutions and hydrophobic and hydropilic substances.  (See textbook pp. 51-53.)  For homework, study for the water properties quiz (you lucked out 'cos the copies weren't done) and also scan the text pp. 68-91 (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wow! (Expressions of MJ)

Keanna and Darnielle invited me to the performance of "Expressions of MJ" at the DuSable Museum on Friday night and I am so glad that I decided to go.  The packed audience grooved to the music and enthusiastically clapped after each scene.  As a rhythmically challenged person, I am always so impressed by anyone who can sing, dance, or otherwise perform in front of an audience.  Everyone in the performance did a great job and it is clear that you and Mr. Lewis have a very professional group.  I look forward to seeing more from FCBC.  Also, I have to wonder if the teacher that Chris portrayed is a composite of teachers at Longwood?!?

Friday, August 27, 2010

First Quiz in Env. Science, Solutions in AP Bio

In Environmental Science, students took their first vocabulary quiz over the hydrologic cycle vocabulary.  As students were taking the quiz, I checked their notebooks and their glossaries/vocabulary charts.  See me to take the quiz after school on Monday or Wednesday if you were absent.

Before the quiz (in all periods but 2nd period, we took notes on notebook pp. 27).  Complete your questoins and summaries on NB p. 26 after the quiz.

There is no homework for the weekend!

In AP Biology, we answered the do now question (on NB p. 23): Describe everything that you know about the properties of water.  Then, we took notes on solutions and "Water as the Universal Solvent" on NB p. 23.

For AP Bio Homework, read pp. 51-53 and review vocabulary and water properties for Monday's quiz.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Multiple Intelligences Applied

Today in AP Bio, we analyzed the practice science ACT test that students took the first week of school.

For homework, finish making corrections to your practice test.

In environmental science, we either took the Multiple Intelligences Quiz (2nd period) or applied what we had learned yesterday about Multiple Intelligences to study for tomorrow's vocab quiz.  6th and 7th periods finished working on their concept maps to connect the hydrologic cycle vocabulary words to one another.

For environmental science homework, study your vocabulary words for a vocab quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ACT Boot Camp, Day 1

Today in environmental science, students received their practice ACT science tests back.  They had an opportunity to go over the answers and get tips for improvement.

4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th periods also completed the "Multiple Intelligences Quiz" to determine what their primary learning style is.

For homework: Finish the connections to other words and the drawings/examples in your glossaries due tomorrow!

Note: I had to cancel my office hours/tutoring because I had to leave school early due to my illness.  Sorry!

AP Biology did not meet today because juniors were taking their practice ACT tests.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Concept Maps, H2Olympics

Today in environmental science, students worked in groups of 3 or 4 to make concept maps to make connections between the hydrologic cycle vocabulary.  We also went over your homework (the meanings of the 8 word wall words) and of course there was a do now (How are "condensation" and "evaporation" related to one another?)

For homework (due Thursday): Finish the connections and drawings/examples in your glossary.

Today in AP bio, students completed the H2Olympics Lab activity.  For homework, review the vocabulary words.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Schedule Changes & Water, Water!

Today was a bit unusual due to schedule changes for juniors (during first period) and seniors (sometime during the afternoon.  I think I saw everyone, but if I missed you during the day to to rescheduling, please see me to get caught up.

In AP bio, we rescheduled the H2Olympics lab because we welcomed 5 new people and because students missed about 25 minutes of class due to having been redirected to the cafeteria to get their schedules.

We did answer a do now question (what's the difference between cohesion and adhesion?) and we went over the pre-lab questions for the H2Olympics today.  We also set up our glossaries in the back of your interactive notebooks.

For homework, read pp. 47-52 and finish your glossaries for the words on the word wall.

In environmental science, students received their textbooks.  (See Ms. Adams to get yours.)

Answer your do now (on NB p. 18.)  Then, you took notes on NB p. 15, set up your glossary with the word wall words (NB p. 192,) and began scanning textbook pp. 180-186 with the THIEVES pre-reading strategy.

For homework, Read textbook pp. 180-186 and write the meanings for the 8 word wall words.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, August 20

In environmental science on Friday, August 20 we did our first hands-on activity, a model of the world's water availability called "Water, Water Everywhere" on notebook p. 17.  If you were absent, please sign up to make up the activity after school on Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 in Room 214.

The do now question was: Is water a renewable or a nonrenewable resource?  Explain your answer (write your answer on the second half of notebook p. 14.)

2nd and 4th period classes also took some brief notes on notebook p. 15 about water as a renewable resource and freshwater sources.  5th, 6th, and 7th period classes will do these notes on Monday.

For homework, please write a summary and review questions about the activity on notebook p. 16 (all classes except 5th period.)

In AP Biology today, students took notes about a reading strategy called THIEVES.  Then they took notes about the Properties of Water.  Finally, we went over the pre-lab for H2Olympics.

For homework for AP Biology, review your notes, read and highlight the H2Olympics lab, and make sure to bring your one inch binder for class on Monday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can't Wait to Start Doing Labs

I'll admit, I'm ready to do some labs and I'm getting a bit tired of this procedural stuff that is necessary at the beginning of the year.

Today in AP bio, the kids took the ACT science practice test.  They also turned in their Quantitative Skills Pre-Tests.  For homework, they just need to get all of the supplies that are listed in teh syllabus.

Today in environmental science, the kids answered the do now question on notebook p. 14: What strategies do you use to help you understand a complicated science text?

Then in env. science, kids turned in their Quantitative Skills Pre-tests (except for 2nd period, who will have one additional day for them.)

Today I also introduced the THIEVES Reading Strategy, so get the notes for this on notebook p. 6.  There were also a couple of other documents that were handed out that you should put in your notebook: The syllabus (put on the inside cover of your notebook) and the lab safety contract (put on pp. 10-12 of your notebook.)  Get all of the documents from the Document crate.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Fat AP Bio Books & Interactive Notebooks

Today in AP Bio, we went over the syllabus and lab safety rules (get both documents from the AP bio document crate.)  Studnets also received their textbooks.  (See Ms. Adams for yours.)

The AP Bio homework is to get the rest of your materials that are listed in the syllabus (plus a one inch binder for labs) and to finish your Quantitative Skills Pre-Test.

In Environmental Science (all except for second period, which should read yesterday's entry,) we first discussed the questions "Is knowledge power?" and "Is knowledge of science power?"  Then we set up our interactive notebooks by numbering the pages and finally we discussed lab safety through student-performed skits.

Environmental Science homework is to finish the Quantitative Skills pre-test if you didn't turn it in early.  Also, remember that you need all of your materials by Friday!