Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday after PSAE

If you chose not to come to school on Friday, then you missed out!  In AP bio, we made models of DNA with Twizzlers and Dots.  There's an associated essay that is due on Tuesday.  (Otherwise, see Tuesday's blog post for other homework.)

In regular bio, we finished Tuesday's webquest and I checked the homework from p. 105 #12.  If you chose not to come to school on Friday, make sure you finish the work described on Tuesday, April 26 and have me check it.

For homework, do a summary of the webquest on pp. 107-108.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Heredity and Genetics Webquest

Today  we did the Heredity and Genetics Webquest.   Take Cornell Notes on NB p. 107-108.  You should make and answer AT LEAST five questions.  Make sure that you go through the entire webquest and take notes on it.  The entire webquest will be due at the end of the day on Friday.

We also went over the 11 question ACT quiz that we took on Monday, if you were absent, make sure to get yours from the returned work box and affix it to the appropriate pages in your notebook (109-110.)

There was no homework over the days of the PSAE, but make sure you have NB p. 105 #12 (Who's the Daddy?  Will this Help?) completed for Friday (I forgot to check it on Tuesday.)

For AP bio, we took notes on DNA structure and DNA replication.  Also, get AP Lab #6 from the document crate (Week 34.)

For homework, Read, highlight, and annotate Part 6B of the Lab, due Monday.  For Friday, review the DNA Structure and Replication Notes and start reviewing first semester notes (chemistry of life.)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Welcome back!

If you were absent, make sure you turn in the spring break homework upon your return.  Also, make sure you make arrangements with Ms. Adams to take the welcome back quiz.  (The previous info is true for both AP and regular bio.)

For regular bio, also get the "Who's the Daddy?" handout from the Week 34 folder.  (And get back the DNA Day Do Now/Exit Ticket and put them on NB pp. 103-104.

For homework, finish #12 on the "Who's the Daddy?" handout (NB p. 105.)

For AP bio, read Sections 16.1 and 16.2 for homework.  (And dig out your first semester notebook.)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Quiz tomorrow!

I hope you all had a wonderful spring break!  Remember that there will be a quiz tomorrow.  (AP bio, it's about evolution, including Hardy-Weinberg equilibria, regular bio, it's about science ACT!)

See you in the morning!

Friday, April 15, 2011

DNA Day!

Today we had our genetics counselor guest speaker. If you were absent, you missed this classwork assignment.

For homework:
For regular bio:
1)Do the practice ACT test (in the gray packet)
2) Finish the white ACT packet
3) prepare for Monday's ACT quiz (3 passages)

for AP:
1) read, highlight, and annotate the DNA packet
2) attempt the practice AP test
3) study for the AP test
4) study for Monday's evolution quiz

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This week, 8th period's agenda and assignments will be different than the rest of the regular bio classes (see below.)

For all regular bio periods except 8th, get a piece of graph paper from the Week 33 folder, set it up to record your progress on the ACT passages, and glue it on NB p. 101.

Then have Ms. Adams check your ACT Science Practice packet from 30-35 for credit.  Finally, complete through p. 43 in your ACT packet for Tuesday.  4th period, make sure I've seen your annotations/corrections for your ACT science test (on NB pp. 92-99.)

In 8th period, have Ms. Adams check pp. 10-19 in your ACT Science Practice packet for homework credit.  

Then do pp. 20-30 by Tuesday.

In AP bio, make sure you turn in your AP Lab 8.  Also, have me check your notes for Section 23.1 and 23.2.  Finally, we took notes called "Evolution Basics."  

For homework, finish reading and highlighting the Evolution packet that I gave you yesterday (it's in the Week 33 folder) and is due tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Act practice

Today in regular bio, we worked on the ACT packet. We did practice passage #9 for a do now and then pp. 30-32. I also checked the annotations/corrections on NB pp. 92-99.

For homework, finish through p. 35. (for 8th pd., finish through p. 19)

In AP bio, we worked on Lab 8 problems. Also get the evolution packet, due Thurs.

For homework, finish all of Lab 8 and the notes for chapter 23.1 and 23.2.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday and Friday 1/2 Days

On Thursday and Friday we had half days, that meant that on Thursday, I saw 5th and 6th period classes.  On Friday, I saw 1st, 2nd, and 4th periods.  8th period, I did not see you due to the change in schedule.

For regular bio classes, we began the ACT Science workbook.  If you were absent, there is a copy of it with your name on it in your class period's drawer.  There are not extra copies of it, so make sure to keep it somewhere safe.

First, scan through pp. 2-10 and star anything that you need to review.  Then review it and do the associated problems.  If you do not need to review any of the topics on pp. 2-10, then move on to pp. 11 and on.

For homework, finish through  Practice Passage #7 (p. 25.)  (6th period you should do through p. 27)

In AP bio, our do now was on p. 101, "What do you know about sickle cell anemia and the sickle cell trait?

Then we did cases 2 and 3 from AP Lab #8.  The analysis questions are due on Tuesday.  Also, notes on Ch 23.1 and 23.2 are due on Tuesday.  Start them over the weekend so we may discuss them on Monday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tomorrow's a B day, Friday's an A day

Thursday will be a "B" day, so periods 5, 6, and 8 will meet (although 8 will be the College Expo.)

Friday will be an "A" day, so periods 1, 2, and 4 will meet.

Population Genetics Lab, Analyze Recent ACT Results

Today in AP biology, we completed Case Study 1 of the Population Genetics Lab (Lab 8.)  For homework, re-read the rest of the cases and also do the analysis questions for Case Study 1.

In regular bio, we re-did the do now questions from yesterday (I passed them back--if you were absent, get them from your period's returned work drawer.) and then put them on p. 100 in your notebook.  Then we worked on our annotations about the reasons why we got the questions wrong on the last ACT.  (See NB pp. 92-99.)  This will be due on Thursday or Friday (whenever I will see your class on the half day.)

I also checked NB p. 90 (the reflection about quarter 3 that was assigned on Monday.  If you were absent, make sure you have me check it.)

 For homework: Finish your ACT correction annotations (due Thursday for 5th and 6th) and due Friday for 2nd and 4th), due Monday for 8th.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

If you were absent (or on a field trip), then do the following:

Get the do now packet from the Week 32 box.

For 2nd and 4th period, it is the one labeled "Passage VI"
For 5th, 6th, and 8th periods, it is the one labeled "Passage III"

We worked from the ACT problem booklet at question explanations that are in your notebook on pp. 92-99.

First, I modeled how to mark and answer the questions in Passage VI, even if you don't have content knowlege.  Then students worked independently and then in pairs to do the same with Passage VII.  The big take-home message was that it extremely important to get through the test to get the "easy" questions that are in the last two passages.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wrap up Q3, plan for Q4

Today was the first day of the fourth quarter.

If you were absent, make sure to check the returned work drawer for your class period to get your quarter 3 exams (including the ACT print outs) and then put them on the appropriate pages in your notebook, according to the table of contents that's posted in the room.

For regular bio, students worked in partners to check whether they appropriately marked the text on their ACT passages and questions.  Then they went over the questions to determine why they got the questions that they missed incorrect.  If you were absent, also get the ACT Test Questions Explanations Packet from the Week 32 folder and put it on NB pp. 94-99.

For homework, write a 3/4 page essay on NB p. 90 in which you reflect on your quarter 3 work.  How do your Q3 exam scores and your Q3 grades demonstrate your work ethic?  What will you change or keep the same for Q4?  Have your parent sign this essay.  It is due on Wednesday.

In regular bio, we went over the exam essays and Q3 grades.  I also explained the grading for the Fruit Fly Lab Report.  Then we took notes on Notebook p. 99 about AP Lab 8.  Get the notes from a classmate.  Also, get the handout for AP Lab 8 from the Week 32 folder.

For homework, read, highlight, and annotate AP Lab 8, due tomorrow.