Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Focus on writing

Today in AP Biology, we took the water properties quiz (see me to make it up on Wednesday after school.)  Then students worked on the Biomolecules Graphic Organizers.

For homework, read pp. 68-91 and finish the Biomolecules Graphic Organizer, due Friday.

In Environmental Science, I clarified what my expectations were for the groundwater model explanations. (See the example below for the example.)  Then students revised their work on NB p. 33 and I checked it.  Finally, students worked on their 8 new glossary words in their notebooks.

For homework, finish your 8 new vocab words about groundwater due tomorrow.

Example for NB p. 33 (Groundwater Model Activity Explanation: "I chose to use the paving sand to represent the sand and gravel aquifer because the paving sand was a combination of both fine and rough sand, so I felt that it would represent the aquifer well because the aquifer is made of both sand and gravel."

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