Friday, January 28, 2011

Pop quiz, meiosis notes

Today in biology, students took a pop quiz over Organelle structure and function. See Ms. Adams to make it up no later than Wed. after school. We also went over the final exam on NB pp. 17-18 so see Ms. Adams if you have any questions. I checked the Amazing Cells webquest. Reg. Bio: check ur grades, do makeup work by Monday.

In AP Bio, students took notes on Meiosis on NB p. 24.

For homework, read concept 13.3 and take notes.

The website for the AP bio book is Campbell AP Biology Book Website


  1. Mrs. Adams could you help me access the book online?

  2. Monet, sorry...I didn't realize until now that the link to the book was not published. I've updated it now so there's an easy link to it for the future.
